Effortless Watercolor Workshop, taught by artist Karen Jacobi.
Four-Hour Workshop for adults and teens of all levels.
Cost: $50
This class will focus on the nature of watercolor, its possibilities, and the happy accidents that make beautiful watercolors seem effortless. Whether you are an experienced painter who is striving for a looser approach or a beginner just discovering watercolor, this class has something for everyone. This is a small group, NO cookie-cutter class. All results are unique expressions and will jump-start your individual practice in painting.
Class size limited to 5.
Two dates to choose from: October 7th or 21st from 1:00 - 5:00 pm
SLANT Studio, Art on Main, 4428 Main Street, Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75226
Reserve your spot by emailing Karen Jacobi, karenjarte@gmail.com
More information at my website, karenjacobi.com