Emily Lamberty
I began making malas as a creative outlet when I was teaching yoga in Salt Lake 4 years ago. The process is profoundly meditative, the craft of tying knots deeply satisfying. Malas have been around for 3,000 years and are a sacred part of a meditation practice, which supports mental health by helping a person focus their mind.
The metaphysical and healing properties of the gemstones in addition to learning where they are found in the world and their history are fascinating to me. Each bead is unique and captivating, and carries energetic power. Getting lost contemplating geologic history and Earth’s composition is something I enjoy. Making malas and working with gemstones allows space for that. One thing that continuously amazes me is how the colors of the stones play off of each other. Rearranging the order can completely transform the appearance of a singular stone.
One of my aspirations in life is to bring joy, bliss, and healing. The malas seem to do that for people.
-Emily Lamberty